
Config .lua

Config = {}

Config.UseEsx = false -- If you use Esx set this to true

Config.Core = 'qb-core' -- Export for your qbcore server

Config.Export = 'mv-hud' -- Dont change this

Config.UseMVTarget = true -- If you use mv-target set this to 'true' | 'false' if you dont use mv-target

Config.Target = 'mv-target' -- Dont change this

Config.FuelExport = 'mv-fuel' -- Change this to your fuel system

Config.UseMenu = true -- If you want use the /hud menu set this 'true' | 'false' every player will take the same HUD from defaultHUD.json

Config.NotWeapons = { -- Weapons will not appear on weapons HUD

Config .json

  "hud": {
    "size": 50,
    "minimap": "rectangle",
    "speedUnit": "kmh",
    "hiddenHud": false,
    "hiddenCompass": false,
    "cinematicMode": false,
    "status": {
      "health": "#CD4040",
      "isdead": "#CD4040",
      "armor": "#FFFFFF",
      "hunger": "#CA782D",
      "thirst": "#328CCD",
      "stress": "#8E5CB6",
      "stamina": "#5CB0B6"
    "presets": {
      "0": "#CD4040",
      "1": "#CD4040",
      "2": "#FFFFFF",
      "3": "#CA782D",
      "4": "#328CCD",
      "5": "#8E5CB6",
      "6": "#5CB0B6"
  "crosshair": {
    "active": true,
    "_length": 12,
    "dot": 1,
    "offset": 7,
    "thickness": 2,
    "color": "#ffffff"
  "inventory": {
    "presets": {
      "0": "#333333",
      "1": "#4F4F4F",
      "2": "#828282",
      "3": "#BDBDBD",
      "4": "#F2F2F2",
      "5": "#EB5757",
      "6": "#5CB0B6",
      "7": "#F2994A",
      "8": "#39BF23",
      "9": "#27AE60",
      "10": "#6FCF97",
      "11": "#2F80ED",
      "12": "#2D9CDB",
      "13": "#56CCF2",
      "14": "#9B51E0",
      "15": "#BB6BD9"
  "target": {
    "type": "circle",
    "color": "#44BBBB",
    "presets": {
      "0": "#333333",
      "1": "#4F4F4F",
      "2": "#828282",
      "3": "#BDBDBD",
      "4": "#F2F2F2",
      "5": "#EB5757",
      "6": "#5CB0B6",
      "7": "#F2994A",
      "8": "#39BF23",
      "9": "#27AE60",
      "10": "#6FCF97",
      "11": "#2F80ED",
      "12": "#2D9CDB",
      "13": "#56CCF2",
      "14": "#9B51E0",
      "15": "#BB6BD9"

Last updated